Our team of Community Connectors are a team of volunteers experienced in the community and youth work fields. The connectors are available to meet the community while authentically and gently conversing at; various neighbourhoods, shops, libraries and community events. The CC team also explore alternative opportunities to find support or services that might be relevant to their needs. The connectors also aim to build an element of rapport by finding out people's stories respectfully. (Story Telling) Telling stories is one of the most powerful means that people have to influence, teach, and inspire. What makes storytelling so effective for communication and learning? For starters, storytelling forges connections among people, and between people and ideas. Stories convey the culture, history, and values that unite people. Sharing stories do more than create a sense of connection. They build familiarity and trust, and allow the listener to enter the story where they are, making them more open to learning and discovery. This approach can lead to potential development of targeted projects that will enhance the person's support network and allow them to take lead in their own lives.
We see young people being an asset to the community now and into the future. The Youth Connectors are a part of the team of volunteers with youth and community services experience. *These connectors can run a school program to support young people/students to learn the importance of building connection, resilience and wellbeing but also discovering their worth and value. It's also about assisting young people to help them identify and construct various supports required in their own lives. (fee for term program, please email or call for more details and pricing) *The connectors can also just visit schools and speak and interact with students at their lunch breaks to build great positive connections, Rapport and provide positive checking in time to support the wider school staff. (This program is offered free, when available) Contact us for further information: info@y2tribe.com.au 0402 226 476
Our Director has 20 years of extensive experience and knowledge around youth work, Community Development, best practice and Intentional Connective strategies. The Y2Tribe team also bring along valued background and experience which we see as a real asset in supporting families and young people in the community. We can also offer some brief targeted training sessions to teams, staff, groups or workers in regards to useful strategies around connections and communication enhancing the work they already do. (This is a fee for service training please enquire by contacting us)